Spring Sangha Update

Dear Sangha,

We had a successful in-person retreat recently at Yokoji Zen Mountain Center with 25 participants including both longtime sangha members and first timers. The program featured the changeability of nature transitioning from fresh snowfall on Friday to Sunday's sunny skies, plus truly inspiring teachings from Tim Colohan, Jampa Kalsang, Robert Lurye, Franz Manfredi, and Jokai Blackwell Roshi. Thank you to everyone who attended and made this retreat possible. 

Update on our in-person sessions at Bay Shore Church

Please note the new church policy is that masks for attendees are not required; however you may wear a mask if you prefer. 

In addition, to improve security during the sit, the main access door to the church will be locked at all times, except when the door is propped open before the sessions to receive attendees. When the door is propped open a volunteer must be present to monitor arrivals. LBM is seeking volunteers to arrive early before a Sunday or Monday sit to attend to the door. If you are able to arrive early, please notify Travis or the teacher of your availability. Thank you.  

Also, we are looking for a volunteer with photography skills to assist LBM with photos for the website and newsletter. If you are interested, please contact Travis at travis@longbeachmeditation.org. 

We are deeply grateful for your continued presence and support and look forward to seeing you again soon.